Islamic State Advocates for Sharia-Compliant Cryptocurrency Usage

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Table of Contents

Main Points:

  • The Islamic State (IS) demands the use of Sharia-compliant cryptocurrencies for funding activities.
  • United Nations report highlights IS’s increasing dependence on digital assets.
  • IS seeks to ensure cryptocurrencies used comply with Sharia law.
  • IS has created specialized Telegram channels for guidance on compliant transactions.
  • This move may push for stricter KYC and AML policies to prevent misuse of cryptocurrencies.


The Islamic State (IS) has recently made headlines by demanding the use of Sharia-compliant cryptocurrencies to fund their activities. This significant shift in stance, as highlighted by a United Nations report, marks a new chapter in the intersection of digital assets and international terrorism.


Historically, Sharia law has opposed cryptocurrencies due to their decentralized nature and association with illegal activities. However, IS is now seeking ways to integrate these digital assets into their financial strategies while adhering to religious doctrines.

Sharia-Compliant Cryptocurrency

To align with Sharia law, IS is implementing rigorous guidelines for cryptocurrency usage. This includes the creation of Telegram channels like CryptoHalal and Umma Crypto, which provide detailed instructions for conducting compliant transactions.

Implications for the Cryptocurrency Market

IS’s push for Sharia-compliant cryptocurrencies could significantly impact the global cryptocurrency market. The move may lead to increased scrutiny and demand for robust Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures across exchanges and wallet providers to prevent misuse for illicit activities.

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Global Response

The United Nations and various regulatory bodies are closely monitoring this development. Ensuring that cryptocurrencies are not exploited by terrorist groups is a top priority. Enhanced regulations and compliance requirements are likely to emerge as a result of these findings.

The demand for Sharia-compliant cryptocurrencies by the Islamic State underscores the evolving landscape of digital assets. As the market adapts to these new challenges, maintaining a balance between innovation and security will be crucial. The cryptocurrency community must remain vigilant and proactive in addressing these issues to safeguard the integrity of the financial ecosystem.


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